Source code for tomaat.announcer.discovery_service

import json
import copy
from klein import Klein
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet import threads
import time
import click

from tinydb import TinyDB, Query

timeout = 3600  # seconds

db_service_endpoints = []

app = Klein()
def cli():

[docs]def screen_announcement_json(json_data): status = 0 error = '' # message is in the format: # 'api_key' -- is the API key assigned to the host of the DL service # 'prediction_url' -- is the URL of the predictions service # 'interface_url' -- is the URL of the interface specification service # 'name' -- service name # 'modality' -- is the modality # 'anatomy' -- is the anatomy # 'task' -- is the task # 'description' -- is a short textual description of the service try: json_data['api_key'] except KeyError: status += 1 error += 'No api_key specified ' try: json_data['prediction_url'] except KeyError: status += 1 error += 'No endpoint prediction url specified ' try: json_data['interface_url'] except KeyError: status += 1 error += 'No endpoint interface url specified ' try: json_data['name'] except KeyError: status += 1 error += 'No endpoint name specified ' try: json_data['modality'] except KeyError: status += 1 error += 'No endpoint modality specified ' try: json_data['anatomy'] except KeyError: status += 1 error += 'No endpoint anatomy specified ' try: json_data['task'] except KeyError: status += 1 error += 'No endpoint task specified ' try: json_data['description'] except KeyError: status += 1 error += 'No endpoint description specified ' return status, error
[docs]def open_db_api_keys(file): global db_api_keys db_api_keys = TinyDB(file)
[docs]def announce_handler(json_data): status, error = screen_announcement_json(json_data) if status == 0: print 'CHECKING API KEY' service_api_key = json_data['api_key'] API_KEY = Query() api_key_list = == service_api_key) if (api_key_list is None) or (len(api_key_list) == 0): status += 1 error += 'Your API KEY has not been recognized. Contact the administrator of the announcement service ' print error if status == 0: print 'CREATING SERVICE' creation_time = time.time() idx_delete = None for i in range(len(db_service_endpoints)): # if the developer already has a service replace old service with new if db_service_endpoints[i]['api_key'] == json_data['api_key']: idx_delete = i if idx_delete is not None: del db_service_endpoints[idx_delete] json_data['creation_time'] = creation_time db_service_endpoints.append(json_data) message = { 'status': status, 'error': error, } message = json.dumps(message) return message
[docs]def discover_handler(): print 'SENDING CURRENT ENDPOINTS' endpoint_list = [] for element in db_service_endpoints: current_time = time.time() if (current_time - element['creation_time']) < timeout: element = copy.deepcopy(element) element['SID'] = element['api_key'][0:7] element['api_key'] = '' endpoint_list.append(element) return json.dumps(endpoint_list)
[docs]@app.route('/announce', methods=['POST']) @inlineCallbacks def announce(request): data = json.loads( result = yield threads.deferToThread(announce_handler, data) returnValue(result)
[docs]@app.route('/discover') @inlineCallbacks def discover(request): request.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*') request.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET') request.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', '*') request.setHeader('Access-Control-Max-Age', 2520) # 42 hours result = yield threads.deferToThread(discover_handler) returnValue(result)
@click.command() @click.option('--db_filename', default='./db/api_key_db.json') @click.option('--port', default=8000) def start_service(db_filename, port): open_db_api_keys(db_filename), host='') cli.add_command(start_service) if __name__ == '__main__': cli()