Source code for

Applications are great.  Lets have more of them.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import sys
import weakref

from collections import namedtuple
from contextlib import contextmanager

    from inspect import iscoroutine
except ImportError:
    def iscoroutine(*args, **kwargs):
        return False

from twisted.internet import endpoints, reactor
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.python.components import registerAdapter
from twisted.web.server import Request, Site

    from twisted.internet.defer import ensureDeferred
except ImportError:
    def ensureDeferred(*args, **kwagrs):
        raise NotImplementedError("Coroutines support requires Twisted>=16.6")

from werkzeug.routing import Map, Rule, Submount

from zope.interface import implementer

from klein.interfaces import IKleinRequest
from klein.resource import KleinResource

from ._decorators import modified, named

__all__ = (

def _call(instance, f, *args, **kwargs):
    if instance is not None or getattr(f, "__klein_bound__", False):
        args = (instance,) + args
    result = f(*args, **kwargs)
    if iscoroutine(result):
        result = ensureDeferred(result)
    return result

class KleinRequest(object):

    def __init__(self, request):
        self.branch_segments = ['']
        self.mapper = None

    def url_for(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return*args, **kwargs)

registerAdapter(KleinRequest, Request, IKleinRequest)

class Klein(object):
    L{Klein} is an object which is responsible for maintaining the routing
    configuration of our application.

    @ivar _url_map: A C{werkzeug.routing.Map} object which will be used for
        routing resolution.
    @ivar _endpoints: A C{dict} mapping endpoint names to handler functions.

    _bound_klein_instances = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()

    _subroute_segments = 0

    def __init__(self):
        self._url_map = Map()
        self._endpoints = {}
        self._error_handlers = []
        self._instance = None

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Klein):
            return vars(self) == vars(other)
        return NotImplemented

    def __ne__(self, other):
        result = self.__eq__(other)
        if result is NotImplemented:
            return result
        return not result

    def url_map(self):
        Read only property exposing L{Klein._url_map}.
        return self._url_map

    def endpoints(self):
        Read only property exposing L{Klein._endpoints}.
        return self._endpoints

    def execute_endpoint(self, endpoint, *args, **kwargs):
        Execute the named endpoint with all arguments and possibly a bound
        endpoint_f = self._endpoints[endpoint]
        return endpoint_f(self._instance, *args, **kwargs)

    def execute_error_handler(self, handler, request, failure):
        Execute the passed error handler, possibly with a bound instance.
        return handler(self._instance, request, failure)

    def resource(self):
        Return an L{IResource} which suitably wraps this app.

        @returns: An L{IResource}

        return KleinResource(self)

    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        Get an instance of L{Klein} bound to C{instance}.
        if instance is None:
            return self

        k = self._bound_klein_instances.get(instance)

        if k is None:
            k = self.__class__()
            k._url_map = self._url_map
            k._endpoints = self._endpoints
            k._error_handlers = self._error_handlers
            k._instance = instance
            self._bound_klein_instances[instance] = k

        return k

    def _segments_in_url(url):
        segment_count = url.count('/')
        if url.endswith('/'):
            segment_count -= 1
        return segment_count

    def route(self, url, *args, **kwargs):
        Add a new handler for C{url} passing C{args} and C{kwargs} directly to
        C{werkzeug.routing.Rule}.  The handler function will be passed at least
        one argument an L{twisted.web.server.Request} and any keyword arguments
        taken from the C{url} pattern.

            def index(request):
                return "Hello"

        @param url: A werkzeug URL pattern given to C{werkzeug.routing.Rule}.
        @type url: str

        @param branch: A bool indiciated if a branch endpoint should
            be added that allows all child path segments that don't
            match some other route to be consumed.  Default C{False}.
        @type branch: bool

        @returns: decorated handler function.
        segment_count = self._segments_in_url(url) + self._subroute_segments

        @named("router for '" + url + "'")
        def deco(f):
            kwargs.setdefault('endpoint', f.__name__)
            if kwargs.pop('branch', False):
                branchKwargs = kwargs.copy()
                branchKwargs['endpoint'] = branchKwargs['endpoint'] + '_branch'

                @modified("branch route '{url}' executor".format(url=url), f)
                def branch_f(instance, request, *a, **kw):
                    IKleinRequest(request).branch_segments = (
                        kw.pop('__rest__', '').split('/')
                    return _call(instance, f, request, *a, **kw)

                branch_f.segment_count = segment_count

                self._endpoints[branchKwargs['endpoint']] = branch_f
                        url.rstrip('/') + '/' + '<path:__rest__>',
                        *args, **branchKwargs

            @modified("route '{url}' executor".format(url=url), f)
            def _f(instance, request, *a, **kw):
                return _call(instance, f, request, *a, **kw)

            _f.segment_count = segment_count

            self._endpoints[kwargs['endpoint']] = _f
            self._url_map.add(Rule(url, *args, **kwargs))
            return f
        return deco

    def subroute(self, prefix):
        Within this block, C{@route} adds rules to a

        This is implemented by tinkering with the instance's C{_url_map}
        variable. A context manager allows us to gracefully use the pattern of
        "change a variable, do some things with the new value, then put it back
        to how it was before.

        Named "subroute" to try and give callers a better idea of its
        relationship to C{@route}.

            with app.subroute("/prefix") as app:
                def foo_handler(request):
                    return 'I respond to /prefix/foo'

        @type prefix: string
        @param prefix: The string that will be prepended to the paths of all
                       routes established during the with-block.
        @return: Returns None.

        _map_before_submount = self._url_map

        segments = self._segments_in_url(prefix)

        submount_map = namedtuple(
            'submount', ['rules', 'add'])(
                [], lambda r: submount_map.rules.append(r))

            self._url_map = submount_map
            self._subroute_segments += segments
            yield self
                Submount(prefix, submount_map.rules))
            self._url_map = _map_before_submount
            self._subroute_segments -= segments

    def handle_errors(self, f_or_exception, *additional_exceptions):
        Register an error handler. This decorator supports two syntaxes. The
        simpler of these can be used to register a handler for all C{Exception}

            def error_handler(request, failure):
                return 'Uh oh'

        Alternately, a handler can be registered for one or more specific
        C{Exception} tyes::

            @app.handle_errors(EncodingError, ValidationError):
            def error_handler(request, failure)
                return failure.getTraceback()

        The handler will be passed a L{twisted.web.server.Request} as well as a
        L{twisted.python.failure.Failure} instance. Error handlers may return a
        deferred, a failure or a response body.

        If more than one error handler is registered, the handlers will be
        executed in the order in which they are defined, until a handler is
        encountered which completes successfully. If no handler completes
        successfully, L{twisted.web.server.Request}'s processingFailed() method
        will be called.

        In addition to handling errors that occur within a route handler, error
        handlers also handle any C{werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException} which is
        raised during routing. In particular, C{werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound}
        will be raised if no matching route is found, so to return a custom 404
        users can do the following::

            def error_handler(request, failure):
                return 'Not found'

        @param f_or_exception: An error handler function, or an C{Exception}
            subclass to scope the decorated handler to.
        @type f_or_exception: C{function} or C{Exception}

        @param additional_exceptions Additional C{Exception} subclasses to
            scope the decorated function to.
        @type additional_exceptions C{list} of C{Exception}s

        @returns: decorated error handler function.
        # Try to detect calls using the "simple" @app.handle_error syntax by
        # introspecting the first argument - if it isn't a type which
        # subclasses Exception we assume the simple syntax was used.
        if (
            not isinstance(f_or_exception, type) or
            not issubclass(f_or_exception, Exception)
            return self.handle_errors(Exception)(f_or_exception)

        def deco(f):
            @modified("error handling wrapper", f)
            def _f(instance, request, failure):
                return _call(instance, f, request, failure)

                ([f_or_exception] + list(additional_exceptions), _f)
            return _f

        return deco

    def run(self, host=None, port=None, logFile=None,
        Run a minimal twisted.web server on the specified C{port}, bound to the
        interface specified by C{host} and logging to C{logFile}.

        This function will run the default reactor for your platform and so
        will block the main thread of your application.  It should be the last
        thing your klein application does.

        @param host: The hostname or IP address to bind the listening socket
            to.  "" will allow you to listen on all interfaces, and
            "" will allow you to listen on just the loopback
        @type host: str

        @param port: The TCP port to accept HTTP requests on.
        @type port: int

        @param logFile: The file object to log to, by default C{sys.stdout}
        @type logFile: file object

        @param endpoint_description: specification of endpoint. Must contain
            protocol, port and interface. May contain other optional arguments,
             e.g. to use SSL: "ssl:443:privateKey=key.pem:certKey=crt.pem"
        @type endpoint_description: str
        if logFile is None:
            logFile = sys.stdout


        if not endpoint_description:
            endpoint_description = "tcp:port={0}:interface={1}".format(port,

        endpoint = endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, endpoint_description)

_globalKleinApp = Klein()

route = _globalKleinApp.route
run =
resource = _globalKleinApp.resource
handle_errors = _globalKleinApp.handle_errors